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Indiegogo Perk: Patterns from Rock + Purl

One of our Indiegogo perks is a special package of patterns from Rock + Purl. Ruth has given us copies of her patterns Echoes of Winter, Mediterranean, Maighdean Mhara, and Rockpool to share with our Indiegogo contributors. (This is a separate perk from the rotating pattern perk I wrote about on Tuesday.)

 © Rock + Purl

I asked Ruth why she volunteered to help with our campaign, and she wrote such a beautiful explanation that I want to share her words with you. 

The first time I got in touch with Anzula, I was excited. 

I had only had the privilege of touching ONE of their yarns and I was smitten. When I got my chance to design with their yarns, smitten became love - have you ever felt a good yarn? That's their yarn. It's not often I find yarns that have been dyed so beautifully, where there's highlights and lowlights, depending on how sunshine reflects off the skein. It's not often these yarns come from a company where everyone who works there is dedicated, fun, friendly and caring. 

Sabrina is the leader in this operation. She manages the team with enthusiasm and always has a smile on her face. I am honoured to call her a friend as well as a colleague and enabler. I am constantly reminded of how rare it is to find a person with these qualities, until I look at her team -  they are just as cheerful and helpful as she is. 

If you have the opportunity to meet them you will not forget them. And it's this fun-loving attitude that transfers through the yarn to create those Anzula bright saturated shades I love so much (Key Lime, anyone??), and their care and attention that appears in their soft-spectrum colorways (I never found a pink as perfect as Taffy).

Become part of the Anzula family by donating to the campaign. 

Because I couldn't have designed some of the beautiful patterns I'm donating if I had not been inspired by their yarn.

Visit Ruth's website to see more of her knitwear designs, and visit our Indiegogo campaign to get your Rock + Purl patterns!