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It Just Got Hotter

In case you haven't heard, we started an Indiegogo campaign to raise enough money to install air conditioning. Yes, we live in Fresno, CA where most days this summer it has been over 100 degrees and we don't have air conditioning. We have three portable air conditioners, which makes our main work spaces more tolerable. This is our third summer in this warehouse; in the beginning, we had two minds. One, we were small enough to only use two rooms. Most everyone worked in one big room and we had fans and a portable A/C unit. I was mostly the only one in the dye room, and I was willing to put up with the heat. Now we are using more space in the warehouse, the girls are working in two spaces, about to move into a third room and our system just isn't working. Plus there are three of us in the dye room now, and as much as I am willing to drink a gallon of water a day and put up with the heat, I don't feel comfortable asking that of others, at least not for another year. 

We all made the decision to forgo installing air conditioning this year because we were not sure we would stay in this building. We didn't know if we would out grow it or if we could find one better suited for us.  

The reality is, we love this building and we have an amazing landlord. No, he can't give us A/C, but he does so much for us. I cannot conceive of us out growing this space. It meets our needs in so many ways, and when I was trying to find a building in Fresno that was comparable with A/C, there was just no match.  

Plus, we are within walking distance of so many of our favorite businesses and we are across the street from the baseball stadium.  

So, we are making the decision to stay. Air conditioning isn't cheap. I originally thought it would be a fraction of what it actually will be and I thought I could continue scraping my pennies together and pay for it myself. Then I got a few estimates and realized it would take a few years for us to be able to afford it on our own, if ever. 

It wasn't an easy decision, but after discussing it with the team for about a year, we decided to launch an Indiegogo campaign. We need your help to make this happen. Share our campaign with your friends, donate anything you can. Truly every dollar counts. We have some really cool perks with more coming soon, one of our dear friends helped us make a video that I hope you will enjoy, and we are going to keep making pretty string. 

This just in! It is a good thing we just started this campaign, because one of our portable air conditioners just decided to start blowing hot air. To replace it is about $700. Instead, as soon as we reach the first stage of our campaign, I am going to get this A/C train going.