Hello From The Road!

Hello from the road! I am currently having breakfast in a hotel somewhere in Kansas. We just wrapped up our whirlwind tour in Colorado and we will be stopping in Salina, Kansas City, Saint Louis, and Indianapolis. Trunk shows in each city, then our industry trade show, TNNA. TNNA, The National Needlearts Assosition, is where wholesale, retail, designers, publishers and everyone on the business side of our industry come together and discover new trends, take and make orders, network, and run on very little sleep. 

We always tour on our way out to the trade shows. It is a great way to meet our customers and see where our yarns lives. Being in our yarn shops is one of my favorite things. After a few times in a shop, it becomes like a second home. You see many of the same faces and the shop owners are like favorite cousins. You want to spend all the moments catching up, but there are only a few brief stolen moments to actually do so. 

Jaime, at Fancy Tiger, put it perfectly, and I'm just going to paraphrase. The first time or two someone comes to set up for an event, we all stress about it going perfectly and being on our best behaviour. But as she and Amber were preparing for our event, they remembered, it is just Sabrina, she knows what she is doing and where everything is, we can relax. And that's exactly how I feel when I come home to a shop. I know where to put my bags, where there is room for back stock, approximately how the set up is going to go and it is just fun. I love this about being on the road and feel so fortunate to be able to spend this time with you all. See you at the next stop!

P.S. Please forgive any typos, I am on a new tablet and don't know how to use spell check yet.


P.P.S. I also don't know how to add photos yet, so if you are interested, please go to our facebook page to see our road show pics for now.