Day 2
If you caught Sabrina's post yesterday, you know that a bunch of us around the warehouse were inspired by the 30 Day Sweater program and plan to knit our own sweaters this month.
One of the things about it that is so fun is that we have knitters of varying experience levels taking the challenge. This is my first project I've swatched for, for example. (Which probably explains why my hats never fit.) I am knitting Maeve, by Carrie Bostick Hoge. Oasis is my favorite yarn, but I couldn't get the gauge I needed for the sweater in a fabric I liked. So I swatched holding the Oasis together with first Meridian and then with Breeze. While the Oasis + Meridian combo was incredibly soft and amazing, I preferred the slightly thicker fabric of the Oasis + Breeze combo.
I cheated a bit and did my swatching before October so that I knew which yarn to get. I'm not sure which was harder, choosing a pattern or choosing a color! With the help of everyone in the office, I finally chose Rye.
My yarn is ready!
Come by and cheer us on, or share your progress on your own fall sweater, in our Ravelry group! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more sweater news!